
Bay Area Blog

The benefits and uses of a revocable trust

Estate planning with a revocable trust gives you tremendous benefits in California. The revocable trust, however, shouldn’t be confused with an irrevocable trust. In some cases, it’s best to have a trust that no one, not even the creator of it, can change

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Preparing yourself for mediation in California

Mediation is a popular workplace dispute resolution technique in which a neutral third party, called a mediator, facilitates communication between two or more parties to help them resolve conflict. If you’re expecting to participate in workplace mediation, preparing yourself can put you ahead

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Understanding workplace diversity and inclusion

Most employers in California understand that employment discrimination is illegal. If an employer intentionally denies jobs and opportunities to people from a certain race, gender or age group, the employer could get into big trouble. However, even when employers are aware of anti-discrimination

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Does diversity really impact work productivity?

Diversity is becoming a hot topic these days in California. The idea that a workforce of people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities is good for business has people talking about how best to integrate it into the workplace. Even so, one question

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Spotting a problem in the workplace before it’s a major issue

Over time, California workplaces may have negative energy when employees run into problems. However, there are ways to prevent these issues from becoming bigger. Employers can take measures such as workplace mediation to settle things. Encourage open communication Workplace mediation encourages open communication

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The importance of confidentiality in mediation

Workplace mediation in California is often a good way to resolve legal problems in the workplace without going to trial, saving money and time. Avoiding a court case can be beneficial for everyone involved. In addition, there are strong confidentiality protections for participants

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What are the benefits of workplace inclusion?

Most California employers strive to create open workplaces where all their employees feel comfortable. However, subconscious biases may have a bigger impact on the workplace than employers think. Employers may be hesitant to make changes to their workplace culture, especially if there are

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What to look for in a good mediator?

California residents looking to use a mediator as a way to solve conflict outside of a courtroom. Finding a good mediator can be an intimidating process if you don’t know where to start, however. What does a mediator do? A mediator isn’t meant

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Addressing diversity in the workplace

Diversity and inclusion are often umbrella terms that define a number of complicated issues. A workforce of people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds can strengthen a company and improve a business’ reputation among consumers. However, achieving diversity can also present significant challenges.

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