
Bay Area Blog

What does the mediation process look like?

Most Americans are familiar with the basis of the judicial process, if only because of daytime TV. It is likely that you have seen popular television shows on both civil and criminal court cases before. However, the mediation process does not seem to

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What is included in an estate plan?

Estate planning helps individuals living in Hayward, California, to ensure that their assets and property are well taken care of if they die. Why? Because without proper estate planning, the properties may not be taken care of to the extent intended. Read below

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What are your protections from retaliation?

When you see something wrong in the workplace, you should not face punishment if you step up to talk about it. This is what anti-retaliatory protections are here to do. As an employee, it is important to understand what your rights and protections

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3 times to update your will

Creating a will is a necessary part of putting together your estate plan. This document outlines how you want to distribute your assets after your death and who you want to care for any minor children. But many people have yet to create

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How are arbitrators and mediators different?

Avoiding litigation as a business owner is not only a good way to avoid headaches, but it is simply good business. Getting involved in litigation is expensive and time-consuming. In addition, it can cost you good business relationships. This is why many in

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What creates a diverse and inclusive work environment?

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace help to make everyone happier and more productive. However, determining if your work environment is diverse and inclusive can be confusing. It helps to understand what those terms mean. According to Corporate Wellness Magazine, diversity and inclusion

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How can you address non-physical sexual harassment?

Workplaces across the state work hard to ensure a safe environment for all employees. Unfortunately, some instances of harassment still occur. Reports of harassment continue to come in. What can you do about it? Nonphysical sexual harassment in particular often slides under the

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