How does mediation benefit small businesses?

Part of owning a small business in California involves handling the inevitable legal disputes. As your company grows, your chances of having a legal dispute over a contract, unfinished project, or other disagreement becomes more likely. Fortunately, instead of costly legal trials, you can choose mediation to help solve your disputes.

What is mediation?

During mediation, a conversation occurs between at least two groups of people. The goal of this conversation involves reaching a mutually satisfying resolution to a dispute or conflict. A mediator oversees the process and acts as an unbiased, confidential and neutral party.

What are the benefits of workplace mediation?

During workplace mediation, small business owners typically experience the following benefits:

  • The process provides effective results.
  • Small businesses especially benefit from mediations costing less than a traditional trial.
  • The mediation process takes less time than a traditional trial.
  • Mediator services are widely available.
  • Hostilities are typically reduced during mediation.

How does the mediation process work?

Often, business owners do not know what to expect from a mediation proceeding. While each mediation proceeding varies in the exact procedure, a few aspects will remain consistent.

Expect to experience these steps in a workplace mediation:

  • Mediator welcomes each side.
  • Each party gives a statement.
  • Mediator asks questions to clarify any confusion.
  • Mediator keeps a dialogue with both parities in order to develop and alter proposals.
  • All parties strive to reach points of agreement, and ultimately, a final agreement.


As a small business owner, you should expect to have some legal disputes. A lengthy trial over these disputes can cost you time and money. Instead of a trial, consider mediation to resolve them.

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