Employees in California are entitled to a workplace that’s free of hostility. Unfortunately, in spite of the illegality of it, workplace bullying happens. It can carry various negative effects.
What is workplace bullying?
Everyone has heard of children being bullied, but adults can also suffer bullying. Workplace bullying is a type of aggressive behavior exhibited toward an employee by another worker, supervisor or boss. These behaviors can include anything that makes employees uncomfortable such as harassment, emotional abuse, exclusion or uncivil treatment. When workplace bullying occurs, it happens over a prolonged period of time.
What are the signs of workplace bullying?
Workplace bullying can signify different behaviors. When someone is being bullied, they are the target of insults, unwanted comments and intimidation. The bully often berates someone, makes nasty remarks, excludes people, makes threats or criticisms and even takes credit for someone else’s work.
The signs of bullying in the workplace aren’t always obvious. Sometimes, they might be subtle or passive aggressive to the point where the victim isn’t even sure that they’re being bullied.
What are the effects of workplace bullying?
When a person is bullied in the workplace, it can result in various physical and psychological problems. Many victims experience chronic headaches, anxiety, depression, neck pain, post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, problems sleeping such as insomnia and even suicidal thoughts.
Workplace bullying also has an effect on the person’s work performance. Those who face bullying often doubt themselves and no longer want to even go to work. They might call in sick more often and worry for their jobs. It’s common for the victim’s work performance to suffer as well.
If you’re facing workplace bullying, it’s important to immediately report it to your supervisor or human resources department.